Why is school important? Because you can't get stacks of money without education! Most of the good jobs out there in the world require a good education. Do you think you would get stacks of money if you don't do your work and do it nicely? No, you wouldn't, unless you steal it but that isn't a good idea.
Ever since I was little, my mother always told me every single day that SCHOOL IS IMPORTANT. That is how it got carved into my mind. So my mother did her job which is making her child believe that school is important. I think that's what every parent should be required to do. But sadly parents aren't like that nowadays. Some party too much and some just don't give a damn.
My goal in this school- G.M.S.H.S.- is to make the students realize that education is the way out. I'm just getting started.
my mom use to tell me that too.
you are so right! Education is important in order to be what you wanna be in life.
well said Raven. I'm glad you are so smart--not enough students realize that if you want to live a comfortable life you need to get an education. We are lucky to live in a country where anyone can get a free education.
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